

Maisie's journey into becoming a massage therapist was driven by a deep sense of purpose and calling. Surprisingly, she had never experienced a massage herself until she embarked on her path in massage school. Nonetheless, Maisie's intuition told her that this was the path she was meant to pursue, and as she immersed herself in the world of massage, she discovered a profound love for the practice.

With her highly honed and refined senses, Maisie possesses the exceptional ability to offer intuitive and extraordinary therapeutic treatments that transcend the boundaries of traditional techniques. Fueled by her profound expertise, she works diligently in her cozy and inviting massage room, ensuring each client is treated to a personalized and exclusive session that caters to their individual needs and preferences. By blending her innate talent, extensive knowledge, and welcoming environment, Maisie crafts a truly unforgettable massage experience.

Not only does Maisie possess a deep passion and expertise in the art of massage, but she is also accompanied by her unwaveringly loyal and dedicated seeing-eye dog named Penny. In her daily work routines, Penny diligently fulfills her role as an invaluable service dog, providing Maisie with the invaluable gift of sight and aiding her in her professional endeavors. With Penny by her side, Maisie's proficiency in offering Therapeutic Deep Tissue massages reaches an unprecedented level of excellence and mastery.



Appointments must be canceled 24 hours before appoitnment. Appointments canceled with less than 24 hours notice will Result in a charge of 50% of the standard price for your scheduled treatment. No shows without notification, or less than 4 hours notification, will result in a 100% charge.


Meet Maisie

Hi this is Maisie with Tranquility Massage Company. I am the owner and only massage therapist. I have had over two decades of experience in South Austin that I call home. During 2020 quarantine I realized like most small business that everything was changing. We were unable to practice as most people know for 2 months. I made the decision to move from Jones rd to my home on Beauregard circle. I am a single mom and I couldn’t o longer afford commercial rent. My studio is my converted garage. My faithful clients followed me here and they love the intimate cozy space that I was able to create here. I perform deep tissue, Swedish, and extras like seasonal hot stone and cupping. This is my passion! I look forward to meeting each and every one of you, and helping with your chronic pain, and bringing healing energy to you.

Masie has experience and training in Swedish, Reflexology, Trigger Points, Deep Tissue, cold and hot stone, Shiatsu, cupping, pre- and post- natal, and sports massage. She is continually learning and adapting her craft.


